Your inbox is probably being slammed from the CEO of every business at the moment but unprecedented things are happening all over the world with COVID-19 hitting it's stride! Firstly I hope you are all ok and taking the proper precautions to avoid it, or to recover fast if you have tested positive! Our business can be run from a laptop or iPhone so our entire team are working from home until the virus is under control, doing our bit to flatten the curve. I want to reassure all of you that we are taking all necessary steps to follow the World Health Organization and local authorities’ guidelines. Our priority is the safety of our customers, employees and partners. We are working closely with our shipping partners to make sure that all appropriate health and hygiene standards are strictly adhered to. We pride ourselves on having the best customer service in the game and as always, we’ll make sure you get whatever you need.
Things are pretty surreal at the moment and we know if you’re not already on lock-down, chances are you may be in the not so distant future! That said, you’re going to have plenty of inside time on your hands and while I have a captive audience I'll share some tips and advice to make the most of a bad situation while you're surrounded by the same four walls. A lot of the world's great things have come from people being in isolation, just saying!
The first thing I'd do (if you haven't already) is listen to Joe Rogan speak to Michael Osterholm on all things Corona Virus COVID-19. They clarify and debunk a bunch of things which is pretty scary at the start but they keep it real. The YouTube episode is linked to the image above.
Michael Osterholm is an internationally recognized expert in infectious disease epidemiology. He is Regents Professor, McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair in Public Health, the Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Division of Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, a professor in the Technological Leadership Institute, College of Science and Engineering, and an adjunct professor in the Medical School, all at the University of Minnesota.
I did this for years before we launched the brand and I have a few tricks to get you in the zone, be even more productive than when you're in the office and block out the procrastination and distractions.
1 Get Dressed - I'm not talking about wearing a three piece Tom Ford suit at home, but make an effort and subconsciously your mind will get you in the game faster and you'll be more productive. Also put your watch on and a bit of cologne, trust me on this one.
My go-to’s are Amiri Jeans (skinny but super stretchy), Saint Laurent Tee's (light fabric and a bit rock n roll), Nike x F.O.G sneakers (comfortable but cool). You get the idea...
2 Routine Rules - Get up at the same time you normally would, or maybe slightly later if you no longer need to commute. Eat the usual breakfast and lunch, do a workout and put some cool tunes on. Try to finish at the usual time or you'll end up working till midnight.
3 Switch Off - Shut down your computer when you’re done. Separating work from home is tough in these environments and you’ll be doing yourself a favour by completely switching off.
4 Continue Your Grooming Regime - Yep, there it is. Continuing to give a fuck about your appearance, despite not gracing many people with it, will still pay dividends. Assuming there’s more mirrors in your house than at the office, you’ll have plenty of reminders if you start letting yourself go! Perhaps now’s a good time to check out our auto re-order so you never run the risk?
The gym I use is a bit of a no-go zone at the moment and with all the crew out of the office I have got back into my body weight workouts that I usually do when I'm on the road stuck in small hotel room. I like to do a CrossFit style workout with a 20 - 30 - 10 rep count. Try this one out:
20 x Push Ups
20 x Sit Ups
20 x Squats
20 x Burpees
Then repeat x 30 reps
Then repeat x 10 reps
You can throw in whatever movements or weights you like to get a nice pump on! I usually try to time the workout then repeat it in a week and see if I can beat my original time.
Life's too short to remove USBs safely and I also have no time for shitty sunglasses. Our Global Partnerships Director, Mason, got me into JMM a few months ago and I've just acquired my 4th pair, they're that good...
If you're stuck at home, or self isolating on a deserted island then you really should invest in a pair of these, they're not cheap but like everything good in life you get what you pay for. They're also pretty hard to get which I like. The quality and attention to detail is on another level and every pair is individually numbered and limited release. The Los Angeles-based brand draws inspiration from across continents, cultures, and generations, JMM combines world-class craftsmanship with advanced production methods, embracing an array of rich materials, bold geometric shapes, and an exuberance of attitude to create impeccably crafted spectacles that elegantly infuse historical motifs with a modern sensibility. I didn't write that last bit...
Take the edge off with one of my favourite cocktails, the Negroni!
It's been around for over 100 years now and it's actually super easy to make and most bottle shops will sell the necessary ingredients. You can obviously use whatever brands you prefer but personally I have been using Campari, Hendricks Gin and Regal Rogue Vermouth and it tastes pretty fu<king good! Anthony Bourdain loved a Negroni and I loved Anthony Bourdain, if you click the image above it will link you to a video of him making one.
Add 1oz or 30ml of Gin, Vermouth and Campari together in a cocktail shaker, shake well with cracked ice, strain into a glass over cubed ice and garnish with a twist of orange peel, it's that easy!
History - A full century ago, an Italian Count by the name of Camillo Negroni stepped into his favourite café and pleaded for something stronger than his typical Americano—a concoction of Campari, sweet vermouth, and soda water. (He was likely ordering it by its original name, the Milano-Torino, or Mi-To, but it was rebranded for the American ex-pats who came to love it during Prohibition.) His friend and bartender Fosco Scarselli substituted soda for gin, added an orange garnish, and the Negroni was born.
Maybe tip a bit out for all our Italian friends doing it tough at the moment.
If you need a laugh while all this crazy shit unfolds then Bill Burr's Paper Tiger has you covered. In his latest Netflix special he unloads on outrage culture, male feminism, cultural appropriation, robot sex and more in a blistering stand-up special.
Don't let the fabulous cover fool you, Elton was hard core! He infamously told Lily Allen he'd snort her under the table any day.
I’ll be the first to say it; I’m not a big reader, but this book blew my mind (well, audiobook). Elton’s not afraid to have a laugh at his own expense which was refreshing and made this hard to stop listening to. It’s the perfect mix of music, debauchery, substance abuse, redemption and success. I highly recommend and it will kill a quick 8 hours.
Last but certainly not least treat your ears to Tame Impala's new album The Slow Rush, I immediately got it on vinyl and have it on constant rotation! This is Kevin Parker's fourth studio album and it was recorded between Los Angeles and Parker's studio in his hometown of Fremantle, Australia.
Parker dives deep into the oceans of time, conjuring the feeling of a lifetime in a lightning bolt, of major milestones whizzing by while you're looking at your phone, it's a paean to creation and destruction and the unending cycle of life. I'd suggest a good bottle of red and maybe burn one down for maximum listening pleasure.